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Moxibustion is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine external therapy that uses Moxa (Dried Mugwort) as burning material to be placed on acupoints and warm Meridian channels. Our heated therapy soothingly promotes and balances the Qi energy flow in your body, empowering your strengths and enhancing your holistic health.


Let the comforting heated sensation penetrate your skin.


Mugwort 艾

Moxibustion means "burning herb", a term derived from Japanese 'mugosa'. The moxa 'wool' of the mugwort plant is compressed into a stick form and lit during this treatment.

Healing Powers of Moxa


Remove Blockages

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), pains and aches are often rooted from blockages in the body's blood and Qi energy flow. Moxa heat can effectively unblock Meridians and help relieving:

  • Back pain

  • Arthritis

  • Headaches, migraines

  • Joint pain

  • Muscle stiffness

  • Tendonitis

  • Ulcers

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Warm & Enhance your Body

If you are often find yourself easily feeling cold or having cold hands and feet, moxibustion will be your best friend. In TCM, this powerful warming treatment can stimulate the flow of blood and Qi energy in your body - improving the circulation so that we can expel the 'inner cold' and tonify 'Yang deficiencies' inside.​

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Support Womens Health

Moxibustion treatment provides various benefits to women who may be experiencing menstrual, menopausal or fertility concerns. Our heated therapy can help regulate and bring balance to:

  • Irregular period

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Fatigue

  • Hot flashes

  • Breech birth

  • ​Infertility

First time
trying moxa?

Most people will find the moxibustion experience to be pleasantly immersive, comforting and soothing. The rush of heat can be felt radiating throughout your Meridians, where you can fully unwind into the warmth.


As the therapy involves the burning of moxa, smoke and odour can be expected, hence you can relax and let our studio's air ventilation do the work. We ensure the environment will be at highest levels of satisfaction for you to enjoy this warming treatment.

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